

Get the last audio Representations manually locked through the lockAudioRepresentations method.

Returns null when no audio Representation is locked.

Without arguments, it returns the list of locked audio Representation for the current Period. You can also get the list for any Period by providing its id property as argument.

// example: getting Representations locked for the first Period
const periods = rxPlayer.getAvailablePeriods();


// Get information about the locked audio Representation for the current Period
const lockedAudioRepresentations = player.getLockedAudioRepresentations();

// Get information about the locked audio Representation for a specific Period
const lockedAudioRepresentations = player.getLockedAudioRepresentations(periodId);
  • arguments:

    1. periodId string|undefined: The id of the Period for which you want to get its locked audio Representation. If not defined, the information associated to the currently-playing Period will be returned.
  • return value: Array.<string>|null: Last locked audio Representation for the corresponding Period null if no audio Representation is locked.

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