Migration from v3: loadVideo Options

Multiple options of the loadVideo have been changed or removed. They will all be listed in this page.

Removed options


The manualBitrateSwitchingMode option has been removed.

It is now possible to indicate the wanted switching mode directly on the lockVideoRepresentations or lockAudioRepresentations call through its switchingMode property instead.

defaultAudioTrack / defaultTextTrack

The deprecated default tracks options have now been removed. Those can be replaced by the now more powerful track API, documented in the Track Preferences page of the migration documentation.


The deprecated hideNativeSubtitles option has been removed without replacement.

It had been added a long time ago, for knownj use cases that were since completely replaced by using the "html" textTrackMode.

If you still need that option for a valid use case, you are welcomed to open an issue.


The manifestUpdateUrl option has been removed without replacement.

It was previously used as a non-standard DASH optimization to be able to refresh a DASH MPD (its Manifest document) through an URL containing a shorter version of the full DASH MPD. As we knew, it was only used at Canal+, though we now use (and we always preferred) more standard solutions both on the packaging-side (use of repeat attributes) and on the RxPlayer-side (usage of WebAssembly, internal optimizations like "unsafeMode").


The aggressiveMode option has been removed without replacement.

It was previously mostly used as a work-around to optimize the time at which new segments were requested, but was always too risky and experimental for our taste.


The deprecated supplementaryTextTracks option has been completely removed in profit of using the more flexiple TextTrackRenderer tool.


The deprecated supplementaryImageTracks option has been completely removed.

If you want to display image thumbnails, you now have to load and display them in your application.

You can still use the parseBifThumbnails tool to parse thumbnails in the "BIF" format.


The persistentLicense option has now been removed because it is, and already was, unnecessary.

The simple presence of the keySystems[].persistentLicenseConfig option - which is the renaming of the old keySystems[].licenseStorage option (see below) - now suffice by itself to indicate that you want to use persistent license.

The persistentLicense property can thus be safely removed.


The fallbackOn object has been removed, and its content has been completely replaced by the more powerful keySystems[].onKeyOutputRestricted option (replacing keySystems[].fallbackOn.keyOutputRestricted) and keySystems[].onKeyInternalError option (replacing keySystems[].fallbackOn.keyInternalError).

As such what was previously written:

  keySystems: [{
    fallbackOn: {
      keyOutputRestricted: true,
      keyInternalError: true,
    // ...
  // ...

Can now be written:

  keySystems: [{
    onKeyOutputRestricted: "fallback",
    onKeyInternalError: "fallback",
    // ...
  // ...


The onKeyStatusesChange callback has been removed with no replacement as no known usage was done of this callback. If you want it back, please open an issue.


The deprecated throwOnLicenseExpiration option has been removed because it can be fully replaced by the keySystems[].onKeyExpiration option option.

Renamed and updated options


A very minor update to the url option of loadVideo is that it is now required to set it directly to the url of the Manifest for contents of the "smooth" transport.

An undocumented feature of that option was that, for legacy reasons, it was previously possible to set it to a JSON or XML document that would contain the Manifest URL.

You're most probably not impacted by this change as as far as we know, the feature was only used internally at Canal+ and was not documented.


The networkConfig loadVideo option has been entirely renamed, both the option itself, renamed to requestConfig, and its inner properties.

Moreover, the offlineRetry option has been removed because it was too unreliable for real offline detection. If you miss this feature and wish for a replacement, please open an issue!

Basically what was written previously as:

  networkConfig: {
    segmentRetry: 2,
    segmentRequestTimeout: 15000,
    manifestRetry: 3,
    manifestRequestTimeout : 7000,
  // ...

Can now be written as:

  requestConfig: {
    segment: {
      maxRetry: 2,
      timeout: 15000,
    manifest: {
      maxRetry: 3,
      timeout: 7000,
  // ...


The audioTrackSwitchingMode option can now be indicated directly on the corresponding setAudioTrack call through its switchingMode property.

However it is still possible to declare a default value when switching an audio track through the new defaultAudioTrackSwitchingMode loadVideo option.

This means that:

  audioTrackSwitchingMode: "reload",
  // ...

Can be replaced by:

  defaultAudioTrackSwitchingMode: "reload",
  // ...


The licenseStorage option has been renamed to persistentLicenseConfig.

This means that what was previously:

  keySystems: [{
    licenseStorage: {
      save(data) {
        localStorage.setItem("RxPlayer-persistent-storage", JSON.stringify(data));
      load() {
        const item = localStorage.getItem("RxPlayer-persistent-storage");
        return item === null ? [] : JSON.parse(item);
    // ...
  // ...

Now becomes:

  keySystems: [{
    persistentLicenseConfig: {
      save(data) {
        localStorage.setItem("RxPlayer-persistent-storage", JSON.stringify(data));
      load() {
        const item = localStorage.getItem("RxPlayer-persistent-storage");
        return item === null ? [] : JSON.parse(item);
    // ...
  // ...


The persistentStateRequired boolean property of the keySystems option has been updated to a persistentState property accepting instead the MediaKeysRequirement the RxPlayer should set the persistentState property of the wanted MediaKeySystemConfiguration.

This means that what was previously written as:

  keySystems: [{
    persistentStateRequired: true,
    // ...
  // ...

Now becomes:

  keySystems: [{
    persistentState: "required",
    // ...
  // ...


The distinctiveIdentifierRequired boolean property of the keySystems option has been updated to a distinctiveIdentifier property accepting instead the MediaKeysRequirement the RxPlayer should set the distinctiveIdentifier property of the wanted MediaKeySystemConfiguration.

This means that what was previously written as:

  keySystems: [{
    distinctiveIdentifierRequired: true,
    // ...
  // ...

Now becomes:

  keySystems: [{
    distinctiveIdentifier: "required",
    // ...
  // ...

keySystems[].audioRobustnesses / keySystems[].videoRobustnesses

Both undocumented, the audioRobustnesses and videoRobustnesses properties of the keySystems loadVideo options allowed to configure the wanted robustnes levels of encrypted content.

They have now been replaced by the much more powerful audioCapabilitiesConfig and videoCapabilitiesConfig respectively.

What was previously written:

  keySystems: [{
    audioRobustnesses: ["2000"],
    videoRobustnesses: ["3000", "2000"],
    // ...
  // ...

Can now be written as:

  keySystems: [{
    audioCapabilitiesConfig: {
      type: "robustness",
      value: ["2000"],
    videoCapabilitiesConfig: {
      type: "robustness",
      value: ["3000", "2000"],
    // ...
  // ...


The transportOptions option of loadVideo has been removed. Instead, you should now put what it contained directly on the loadVideo call.

For example:

  transportOptions: {
    segmentLoader: (args, callbacks) => {
      // ...
    minimumManifestUpdateInterval: 5000,
  // ...

Should now become:

  segmentLoader: (args, callbacks) => {
    // ...
  minimumManifestUpdateInterval: 5000,
  // ...

Note however that multiple properties previously found inside the transportOptions option has now been removed and updated (they are all documented here).

The removed options are:

  • aggressiveMode
  • supplementaryTextTracks
  • supplementaryImageTracks

Updated options are:

  • manifestLoader
  • segmentLoader

Change will be documented below.


The transportOptions.manifestLoader option, which is now just manifestLoader (at the root of loadVideo options) now only received two arguments:

  • The first argument - which was previously just the Manifest's URL - is now an object with two properties:

    • url (string|undefined): The same URL that was previously communicated directly.

    • timeout (number|undefined): Timeout in milliseconds after which a request should preferably be aborted, according to current configuration.

      This property is mainly indicative, you may or may not want to exploit this information depending on your use cases.

      Previously, this property was communicated through a third argument.

  • The second argument didn't change, it is still its callbacks

  • The third argument has been removed and integrated in the first one.

The manifestLoader documentation has been updated if you wish to have an example and more documentation.


The transportOptions.segmentLoader option, which is now just segmentLoader (at the root of loadVideo options) has seen its first argument updated:

  • Its url property, before always a string, can now be set to undefined if unknown.

  • The manifest, period, adaptation, representation and segment properties have been removed as it exposed the RxPlayer's internals too much.

  • An isInit boolean (or set to undefined) property has been added to indicate whether this is an initialization segment.

  • a trackType string has been added to signal which track's type this segment is part of.

  • A byteRanges array (or set to undefined) property has been added to announce the byte-range(s) for which the resource should be requested. More information on its format in the segmentLoader documentation.

The segmentLoader documentation has been updated if you wish to have an example and more documentation.


The transportOptions.representationFilter option, which is now just representationFilter (at the root of loadVideo options) has seen its first argument updated:

  • frameRate is now either a number - in terms of frame per seconds - or undefined, instead of a string.
  • bitrate can now be undefined or just not be defined as a property at all.
  • codec has been renamed to codecs and is now potentially an array of multiple codec strings in very rare situations.
  • The decipherable property has been removed.
  • The index property has been removed.
  • A new contentProtections property has been added, describing protections associated to the corresponding Representation.

The bufferType property of its second argument also has been renamed trackType to align with other APIs.

The representationFilter documentation has been updated if you wish to have an example and more documentation.

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