

Set the maximum kept buffer ahead of the current position, in seconds.

Everything superior to that limit (currentPosition + maxBufferAhead) will be automatically garbage collected.

This feature is not necessary as the browser should by default correctly remove old segments from memory if/when the memory is scarce.

However on some custom targets, or just to better control the memory footprint of the player, you might want to set this limit.

You can set it to Infinity to remove any limit and just let the browser do this job instead.

The minimum value between this one and the one returned by getWantedBufferAhead will be considered when downloading new segments.

Bear in mind that a too-low configuration there (e.g. inferior to 10) might prevent the browser to play the content at all.
In DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options), this method has no effect.


  • arguments:

    1. bufferSize number: Maximum amount of buffer ahead of the current position, in seconds.
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