Exported TypeScript Types

The RxPlayer being written in TypeScript, it has type definitions attached to its source code that can be helpful if you develop an application in TypeScript yourself.

“Using” types

Because we follow the usual way of adding definition files (as d.ts file alongside our sources), those typings should be auto-exported when importing our library in your favorite editor (as long as it is linked to a TSServer of some sort).

Importing specific types

As some APIs can have pretty complicated arguments, you might also want to import some of our internal type definitions into your code.

To simplify this process, we export some type definitions which can be imported through the following line in your file:

import { SOME_TYPE } from "rx-player/types"

Here are the list of exported types, per category.

RxPlayer Constructor

The type IConstructorOptions corresponds to the interface that the RxPlayer constructor accepts as an argument.


import RxPlayer from "rx-player";
import { IConstructorOptions } from "rx-player/types";

function generateConstructorOptions() : IConstructorOptions {
  const videoElement = document.querySelector("video");
  return {
    stopAtEnd: false,

const options = generateConstructorOptions();
const player = new RxPlayer(options);

export default player;


The ILoadVideoOptions type corresponds to the argument to give to the RxPlayer’s method loadVideo.


// the type wanted
import { ILoadVideoOptions } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

// hypothetical file exporting a configuration object
import config from "./config"; // define a global config

function generateLoadVideoOptions(url : string) : ILoadVideoOptions {
  return {
    transport: "dash",
    autoPlay: true,

const loadVideoOpts = generateLoadVideoOptions(config.DEFAULT_URL);

Speaking of loadVideo, some subparts of ILoadVideoOptions are also exported:

  • IKeySystemOption: type for an element of the keySystems array, which is an optional property given to loadVideo.

    To clarify, the keySystems property in a loadVideo call is an optional array of one or multiple IKeySystemOption.

  • IPersistentLicenseConfig: type of the persistentLicenseConfig property of the keySystems option given to loadVideo.

  • IPersistentSessionInfo: type used by an IPersistentSessionStorage’s storage.

  • IManifestLoader: type for the manifestLoader option of loadVideo.

  • IManifestLoaderInfo: type for the first argument of the manifestLoader function (defined by IManifestLoader.)

  • ILoadedManifestFormat: type for the accepted Manifest formats as returned by a IManifestLoader.

  • IRepresentationFilter: type for the representationFilter option of

  • loadVideo.

  • IRepresentationFilterRepresentation: type for the first argument of the representationFilter function (defined by IRepresentationFilter.)

  • IHDRInformation: optional type of the hdrInfo property from a IRepresentationFilterRepresentation object.

  • IRepresentationContext: type for the second argument of the representationFilter function (defined by IRepresentationFilter.)

  • IServerSyncInfos: type for the serverSyncInfos option of loadVideo.

  • IInitialManifest: type for the initialManifest option of loadVideo.

  • ISegmentLoader: type for the segmentLoader option of loadVideo.

  • ISegmentLoaderContext: type for the first argument of the segmentLoader function (defined by ISegmentLoader.)

  • ITrackType: type for the type property of a ISegmentLoaderContext object.

  • INetworkConfigOption: type for the networkConfig property optionally given to loadVideo.

  • IStartAtOption: type for the startAt property optionally given to loadVideo.

  • IAudioTrackSwitchingMode: The various values accepted on the defaultAudioTrackSwitchingMode property optionally given to loadVideo.

getPlayerState method / playerStateChange event

The return type of the getPlayerState state method and of the playerStateChange events is a string describing the current state of the RxPlayer.

All values possible are defined through the IPlayerState type:

// the type(s) wanted
import { IPlayerState } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

function getPlayerState() : IPlayerState {
  return rxPlayer.getPlayerState();

getAvailableAudioTracks method / availableAudioTracksChange event

The return type of the getAvailableAudioTracks method is an array of objects. Each of this objects corresponds to the IAvailableAudioTrack interface.


// the type(s) wanted
import { IAvailableAudioTrack } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

function getAvailableAudioTracks() : IAvailableAudioTrack[] {
  return rxPlayer.getAvailableAudioTracks();

The property of each track’s representations property corresponds to the IAudioRepresentation type.

getAvailableTextTracks method / availabletextTracksChange event

The return type of the getAvailableTextTracks method is an array of objects. Each of this objects corresponds to the IAvailableTextTrack interface.


// the type(s) wanted
import { IAvailableTextTrack } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

// hypothetical file exporting a configuration object
import config from "./config"; // define a global config

function getAvailableTextTracks() : IAvailableTextTrack[] {
  return rxPlayer.getAvailableTextTracks();

getAvailableVideoTracks method / availableVideoTracksChange event

The return type of the getAvailableVideoTracks method is an array of objects. Each of this objects corresponds to the IAvailableVideoTrack interface.


// the type(s) wanted
import { IAvailableVideoTrack } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

// hypothetical file exporting a configuration object
import config from "./config"; // define a global config

function getAvailableVideoTracks() : IAvailableVideoTrack[] {
  return rxPlayer.getAvailableVideoTracks();

The property of each track’s representations property corresponds to the IVideoRepresentation type.

getAudioTrack method /audioTrackChange event

The IAudioTrack corresponds to both the type returned by the getAudioTrack method and emitted as the payload of the audioTrackChange event.


// the type(s) wanted
import { IAudioTrack } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

// hypothetical file exporting a configuration object
import config from "./config"; // define a global config

rxPlayer.addEventListener("audioTrackChange", (track : IAudioTrack) => {
  console.log("current track:", track);

function getCurrentlyDownloadedAudioTrack() : IAudioTrack {
  return rxPlayer.getAudioTrack();

The representations property also has an exported type: IAudioRepresentation.

getTextTrack method / textTrackChange event

The ITextTrack corresponds to both the type returned by the getTextTrack method and emitted as the payload of the textTrackChange event.


// the type(s) wanted
import { ITextTrack } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

// hypothetical file exporting a configuration object
import config from "./config"; // define a global config

rxPlayer.addEventListener("textTrackChange", (track : ITextTrack) => {
  console.log("current track:", track);

function getCurrentlyDownloadedTextTrack() : ITextTrack {
  return rxPlayer.getTextTrack();

getVideoTrack method / videoTrackChange event

The IVideoTrack corresponds to both the type returned by the getVideoTrack method and emitted as the payload of the videoTrackChange event.


// the type(s) wanted
import { IVideoTrack } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

// hypothetical file exporting a configuration object
import config from "./config"; // define a global config

rxPlayer.addEventListener("videoTrackChange", (track : IVideoTrack) => {
  console.log("current track:", track);

function getCurrentlyDownloadedVideoTrack() : IVideoTrack {
  return rxPlayer.getVideoTrack();

setAudioTrack method

The IAudioTrackSetting type corresponds to the object that may be given to the RxPlayer’s setAudioTrack method


// the type(s) wanted
import { IAudioTrackSetting } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

function setAudioTrack(track : IAudioTrackSetting) {

The IAudioTrackSwitchingMode type list the various values accepted for the switchingMode property of the IAudioTrackSetting object.

setVideoTrack method

The IVideoTrackSetting type corresponds to the object that may be given to the RxPlayer’s setVideoTrack method


// the type(s) wanted
import { IVideoTrackSetting } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

function setVideoTrack(track : IVideoTrackSetting) {

The IVideoTrackSwitchingMode type list the various values accepted for the switchingMode property of the IVideoTrackSetting object.

lockVideoRepresentations method

The ILockedVideoRepresentationsSettings type corresponds to the object that may be given to the RxPlayer’s lockVideoRepresentations method.


// the type(s) wanted
import { ILockedVideoRepresentationsSettings } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

function lockVideoRepresentations(toLock : ILockedVideoRepresentationsSettings) {

The IVideoRepresentationsSwitchingMode type list the various values accepted for the switchingMode property of the ILockedVideoRepresentationsSettings object.

lockAudioRepresentations method

The ILockedAudioRepresentationsSettings type corresponds to the object that may be given to the RxPlayer’s lockAudioRepresentations method.


// the type(s) wanted
import { ILockedAudioRepresentationsSettings } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

function lockAudioRepresentations(toLock : ILockedAudioRepresentationsSettings) {

The IAudioRepresentationsSwitchingMode type list the various values accepted for the switchingMode property of the ILockedAudioRepresentationsSettings object.

positionUpdate event

The type IPositionUpdate corresponds to the payload of a positionUpdate event.


// the type(s) wanted
import { IPositionUpdate } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

rxPlayer.addEventListener("positionUpdate", (evt : IPositionUpdate) {

periodChange event

The type IPeriodChangeEvent corresponds to the payload of a periodChange event.


// the type(s) wanted
import { IPeriodChangeEvent } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

rxPlayer.addEventListener("periodChange", (evt : IPeriodChangeEvent) {

streamEvent / streamEventSkip events

The type IStreamEvent corresponds to the payload of either a streamEvent or a streamEventSkip event.

The type IStreamEventData is the type of its data property.


// the type(s) wanted
import { IStreamEvent, IStreamEventData } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

function processEventData(eventData : IStreamEventData) {
  if (eventData.type === "dash-event-stream") {
    console.log("DASH EventStream's event received!");

rxPlayer.addEventListener("streamEvent", (evt : IStreamEvent) {

brokenRepresentationsLock event

The type IBrokenRepresentationsLockContext corresponds to the payload of a brokenRepresentationsLock event.


// the type(s) wanted
import { IBrokenRepresentationsLockContext } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

  (evt : IBrokenRepresentationsLockContext) {

The IPeriod type corresponds to the value of the period property from this IBrokenRepresentationsLockContext object.

The ITrackType type corresponds to the value of the trackType property from this IBrokenRepresentationsLockContext object.

autoTrackSwitch event

The type IAutoTrackSwitchEventPayload corresponds to the payload of a autoTrackSwitch event.


// the type(s) wanted
import { IAutoTrackSwitchEventPayload } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

rxPlayer.addEventListener("autoTrackSwitch", (evt : IAutoTrackSwitchEventPayload) {

The IPeriod type corresponds to the value of the period property from this IAutoTrackSwitchEventPayload object.

The ITrackType type corresponds to the value of the trackType property from this IAutoTrackSwitchEventPayload object.

RxPlayer errors and warnings

RxPlayer errors and warnings may for now be either a plain Error instance or a special RxPlayer-defined error (which extends the Error Object).

All RxPlayer-defined error are compatible with the exported IPlayerError type.

Which means that you could write the following:

// the type wanted
import { IPlayerError } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

rxPlayer.addEventListener("error", (err : Error | IPlayerError) => {
  // ...

rxPlayer.addEventListener("warning", (err : Error | IPlayerError) => {
  // ...

EncryptedMediaError’s keyStatuses property

Some EncryptedMediaError error thrown by the RxPlayer, may have a keyStatuses property set. In that case, the type is described by the IEncryptedMediaErrorKeyStatusObject type:

// the type wanted
import { IEncryptedMediaErrorKeyStatusObject } from "rx-player/types";

// hypothetical file exporting an RxPlayer instance
import rxPlayer from "./player";

rxPlayer.addEventListener("error", (err : Error | IPlayerError) => {
  if (err.type === "ENCRYPTED_MEDIA_ERROR" && err.keyStatuses !== undefined) {

function logKeyStatuses(keyStatuses: IEncryptedMediaErrorKeyStatusObject): void {

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