

Returns information on the currentPeriods being played.

The value returned by this method is either null, for when no content is currently being played or when it is unknown, or an object with the following properties:

  • start (number): The starting position at which the Period starts, in seconds.

  • end (number|undefined): The position at which the Period ends, in seconds.

    undefined either if not known or if the Period has no end yet (e.g. for live contents, the end might not be known for now).

  • id (string): id for this Period, allowing to call track and Representation selection APIs (such as setAudioTrack and lockVideoRepresentations for example) even if that Period is not currently playing.

In DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options), this method might just return an empty array.


const currentPeriod = rxPlayer.getCurrentPeriod();
  • return value Object|null: Information on the current Period being played.

    null either if no content is currently playing or if the current Period is unknown.

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