

Get information about the video track currently set.

  • null if no video track is enabled right now.
  • undefined if no video content has been loaded yet or if its information is unknown.

If a video track is set and information about it is known, this method will return an object with the following properties:

  • id (string): The id used to identify this track. No other video track for the same Period will have the same id.

    This can be useful when setting the track through the setVideoTrack method.

  • label (string|undefined): A human readable label that may be displayed in the user interface providing a choice between video tracks.

    This information is usually set only if the current Manifest contains one.

  • representations (Array.<Object>): Representations of this video track, with attributes:

    • id (string): The id used to identify this Representation. No other Representation from this track will have the same id.

    • bitrate (Number|undefined): The bitrate of this Representation, in bits per seconds.

      undefined if unknown.

    • width (Number|undefined): The width of this video Representation, in pixels.

    • height (Number|undefined): The height of this video Representation, in pixels.

    • codec (string|undefined): The video codec the Representation is in, as announced in the corresponding Manifest.

    • frameRate (number|undefined): The video frame rate, in frames per second.

    • hdrInfo (Object|undefined) Information about the hdr characteristics of the track. (see HDR support documentation)

  • signInterpreted (Boolean|undefined): If set to true, this track is known to contain an interpretation in sign language. If set to false, the track is known to not contain that type of content. If not set or set to undefined we don’t know whether that video track contains an interpretation in sign language.

  • isTrickModeTrack (Boolean|undefined): If set to true, this track is a trick mode track. This type of tracks proposes video content that is often encoded with a very low framerate with the purpose to be played more efficiently at a much higher speed.

    To enter or exit a mode where trickmode tracks are used instead of regular non-trickmode ones, you can use the setPlaybackRate function.

  • trickModeTracks (Array.<Object> | undefined): Trick mode video tracks attached to this video track.

    Each of those objects contain the same properties that a regular video track (same properties than what is documented here).

    It this property is either undefined or not set, then this track has no linked trickmode video track.

You can also get the information on the chosen video track for another Period by calling getVideoTrack with the corresponding Period’s id in argument. Such id can be obtained through the getAvailablePeriods method, the newAvailablePeriods event or the periodChange event.

// example: getting track information for the first Period
const periods = rxPlayer.getAvailablePeriods();
In DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options), if there is no video tracks API in the browser, this method returns "undefined".


// Get information about the currently-playing video track
const videoTrack = player.getVideoTrack();

// Get information about the video track for a specific Period
const videoTrack = player.getVideoTrack(periodId);
  • arguments:

    1. periodId string|undefined: The id of the Period for which you want to get information about its current video track. If not defined, the information associated to the currently-playing Period will be returned.
  • return value Object|null|undefined

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