RxPlayer methods

Several RxPlayer methods have been removed, renamed or updated.

They are all listed here.

Removed methods

getAvailableAudioBitrates / getAvailableVideoBitrates

Both the getAvailableAudioBitrates and getAvailableVideoBitrates methods have been removed, like most bitrate-oriented API.

Its behavior is however easy to replace, just by using respectively the getAudioTrack and getVideoTrack methods:

// instead of getAvailableVideoBitrates you can do
const videoTrack = rxPlayer.getVideoTrack();
if (videoTrack !== null && videoTrack !== undefined) {
  const availableVideoBitrates = video.representation
    .map(r => r.bitrate)
    .filter(bitrate => bitrate !== undefined);

Note however that one of the main reason for calling one of those method was to change the currently playing bitrate and that such way of controlling the quality has been removed in profit of the new representation lock API. You can read the Bitrate Selection part of the migration guide for more information on this.

getVideoBitrate / getAudioBitrate

Both the getAudioBitrate and getVideoBitrate methods have been removed, like most bitrate-oriented API.

Its behavior is however easy to replace, just by using respectively the getAudioRepresentation and and getVideoRepresentation methods:

// instead of getVideoBitrate you can do
const videoRepresentation = rxPlayer.getVideoRepresentation();
if (videoRepresentation !== null && videoRepresentation !== undefined) {
  console.log("Current video bitrate:", videoRepresentation.bitrate);

setAudioBitrate / setVideoBitrate / getManualAudioBitrate / getManualAudioBitrate

The setAudioBitrate, setVideoBitrate, getManualAudioBitrate and getManualAudioBitrate methods have all been removed, as documented in the Bitrate Selection part of the migration guide.

setMinAudioBitrate / setMinVideoBitrate / getMinAudioBitrate / setMinAudioBitrate

The setMinAudioBitrate, setMinVideoBitrate, getMinAudioBitrate and setMinAudioBitrate methods have all been removed, as documented in the Bitrate Selection part of the migration guide.

setMaxAudioBitrate / setMaxVideoBitrate / getMaxAudioBitrate / setMaxAudioBitrate

The setMaxAudioBitrate, setMaxVideoBitrate, getMaxAudioBitrate and setMaxAudioBitrate methods have all been removed, as documented in the Bitrate Selection part of the migration guide.

getPreferredAudioTracks / getPreferredVideoTracks / getPreferredTextTracks

The getPreferredAudioTracks, getPreferredVideoTracks and getPreferredTextTracks methods have been removed.

Track preferences API does not exist anymore as documented in the Preferences part of the migration guide.

setPreferredAudioTracks / setPreferredVideoTracks / setPreferredTextTracks

The setPreferredAudioTracks, setPreferredVideoTracks and setPreferredTextTracks methods have been removed.

Track preferences API does not exist anymore as documented in the Preferences part of the migration guide.


The getVideoPlayedTime method has been removed because it was poorly named, poorly understood, and it is easy to replace.

To replace it, you can write:

function getVideoPlayedTime() {
  const position = rxPlayer.getPosition();
  const mediaElement = rxPlayer.getVideoElement();
  if (mediaElement === null) {
    console.error("The RxPlayer is disposed");
  } else {
    const range = getRange(mediaElement.buffered, currentTime);
    return range !== null ? currentTime - range.start :

 * Get range object of a specific time in a TimeRanges object.
 * @param {TimeRanges} timeRanges
 * @returns {Object}
function getRange(timeRanges, time) {
  for (let i = timeRanges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    const start = timeRanges.start(i);
    if (time >= start) {
      const end = timeRanges.end(i);
      if (time < end) {
        return { start, end };
  return null;


The getVideoLoadedTime method has been removed because it was poorly named, poorly understood, and it is easy to replace.

To replace it, you can write:

function getVideoLoadedTime() {
  const position = rxPlayer.getPosition();
  const mediaElement = rxPlayer.getVideoElement();
  if (mediaElement === null) {
    console.error("The RxPlayer is disposed");
  } else {
    const range = getRange(mediaElement.buffered, currentTime);
    return range !== null ? range.end - range.start :

 * Get range object of a specific time in a TimeRanges object.
 * @param {TimeRanges} timeRanges
 * @returns {Object}
function getRange(timeRanges, time) {
  for (let i = timeRanges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    const start = timeRanges.start(i);
    if (time >= start) {
      const end = timeRanges.end(i);
      if (time < end) {
        return { start, end };
  return null;


The getManifest method has been removed with no replacement because it exposed the RxPlayer’s internals too much.

If you needed it for something, please open an issue explaining which property you needed.


The getCurrentAdaptations method has been removed with no replacement because it exposed the RxPlayer’s internals too much.

If you needed it for something, please open an issue explaining which property you needed.


The getCurrentRepresentations method has been removed with no replacement because it exposed the RxPlayer’s internals too much.

If you needed it for something, please open an issue explaining which property you needed.

isFullscreen / setFullscreen / exitFullscreen

The isFullscreen, setFullscreen and exitFullscreen methods have been removed.

Fullscreen functionalities now have to be completely handled by the applications, which most likely already did just that anyway.


The getNativeTextTrack methods has been removed.

This method was initially added for legacy reasons and should not be relied on anymore.


All image-related API, like the getImageTrackData method, have been removed.

If you need to parse BIF file, you can use the parseBifThumbnails tool instead.



The getUrl has both be updated and renamed, into the getContentUrls method.

However getContentUrls returns an optional array of URL (all URLs at which the content can be reached) whereas getUrl only provided a single one.

If you want to replicate getUrl’s behavior, you may want to only use the first string optionally returned by getContentUrls.


The getVideoDuration method has been renamed getMediaDuration to prevent confusion with the duration of the video track.


The getVideoDuration method has been renamed getCurrentBufferGap to prevent confusion with the buffer gap specific to the video buffer.



Two player states have been updated:

  • The "FREEZING" state has been added to the possible states sent through the playerStateChange event.

    This new state, which is sent when playback does not advance despite the fact that the right conditions for it are there, is described in the overview.

    In many case, you might want to handle it like a "BUFFERING" state.

  • The RELOADING player state can now happen at any time if it allows to unlock playback.

    Previously, it could only be sent if specific options have been used.

getAvailableVideoTracks / getVideoTrack

Several properties that can be received in a getAvailableVideoTracks or getVideoTrack call, to describe a video Representation (in the representations property of tracks returned by both methods), have been updated:

  • A Representation’s frameRate property is now either a number - in terms of frame per seconds - or undefined, instead of a string.

  • A Representation’s bitrate property can now be undefined if unknown.

getAvailableAudioTracks / getAudioTrack

The bitrate property that can be retrieved as a child property of the representations property, itself found in tracks returned by the getAvailableAudioTracks and getAudioTrack methods, can now be undefined if unknown.

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