RxPlayer events

RxPlayer events can be listened to thanks to the addEventListener method of the RxPlayer.

Many of them have changed in the v4.0.0. They are all listed here.


Two player states have been updated:

  • The "FREEZING" state has been added to the possible states sent through the playerStateChange event.

    This new state, which is sent when playback does not advance despite the fact that the right conditions for it are there, is described in the overview.

    In many case, you might want to handle it like a "BUFFERING" state.

  • The RELOADING player state can now happen at any time if it allows to unlock playback.

    Previously, it could only be sent if specific options have been used.

audioBitrateChange / videoBitrateChange

Both the audioBitrateChange and videoBitrateChange events have been removed.

They can however completely be replaced by respectively the more powerful audioRepresentationChange and videoRepresentationChange events.

Both new events do not communicate directly the bitrate, but the Representation which each may contain a bitrate property:

// What was previously written
rxPlayer.addEventListener("videoBitrateChange", (bitrate) => {
  if (bitrate === -1) {
    console.log("video bitrate unknown or no video Representation playing");
  } else {
    console.log("new video bitrate:", bitrate);

// Can now be written as
rxPlayer.addEventListener("videoRepresentationChange", (representation) => {
  if (representation === null) {
    console.log("no video Representation playing");
  } else if (representation.bitrate === undefined) {
    console.log("video bitrate unknown");
  } else {
    console.log("new video bitrate:", representation.bitrate);

availableAudioBitratesChange / availableVideoBitratesChange

The availableAudioBitratesChange and availableVideoBitratesChange API have been removed like most bitrate-oriented API.

If you want to know when the list of audio and video bitrates for the current Period changes, you can listen to respectively when the current audio track changes through the audioTrackChange event and when the current video track changes through the videoTrackChange event.

There’s a last potential situation for the bitrates changing, which is when the track doesn’t change but the list of bitrate does. For example this may happen when some qualities in the current video or audio track are found to be undecipherable.

Sadly, there’s no way for now to be notified when this last event happens. If you need this, please open an issue.


The decipherabilityUpdate event has been removed with no replacement.

Indeed, it was unused as far as we know and exposed too much of the RxPlayer internals.

If you need this, please open an issue.


The maximumBufferTime property from positionUpdate events has been renamed maximumPosition, to align with the other APIs.


The periodChange is still present but its payload has been reduced to its core properties. See its documentation for more information.


The deprecated fullscreenChange event has been removed.

Fullscreen functionalities now have to be completely handled by the applications, which most likely already did just that anyway.


The deprecated nativeTextTracksChange event has been removed.

This event was initially added for legacy reasons and should not be relied on anymore.


The bitrateEstimationChange event has been removed.

It has been removed because it was poorly understood (it’s not always close to the expected bandwidth), because it actually has a very complex relationship with the chosen quality and because its structure prevented us to make some evolutions to the RxPlayer internals.


All image related API, like the imageTrackUpdate event, have been removed.

If you need to parse BIF file, you can use the parseBifThumbnails tool instead.

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