

Get information about the audio Representation currently loaded.

Note that this only returns the audio Representation that is loaded which may be different to the one that is played.

The returned value can either be an object or:

  • null if no audio track is enabled right now.
  • undefined if no audio content has been loaded yet or if its information is unknown.

In case it a audio track is set and its properties is known, the getAudioRepresentation method will return an object with the following properties:

  • id (string): The id used to identify this Representation. No other audio Representation for the same Period will have the same id.

    This can be useful when locking the Representation through the lockAudioRepresentations method.

  • bitrate (Number|undefined): The bitrate of this Representation, in bits per seconds.

    undefined if unknown.

  • codec (string|undefined): The audio codec the Representation is in, as announced in the corresponding Manifest.

You can also get the information on the loaded audio Representation for another Period by calling getAudioRepresentation with the corresponding Period’s id in argument. Such id can be obtained through the getAvailablePeriods method, the newAvailablePeriods event or the periodChange event.

// example: getting Representation information for the first Period
const periods = rxPlayer.getAvailablePeriods();
In DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options), this method returns "undefined".


// Get information about the currently-loaded audio Representation
const audioRepresentation = player.getAudioRepresentation();

// Get information about the loaded audio Representation for a specific Period
const audioRepresentation = player.getAudioRepresentation(periodId);
  • arguments:

    1. periodId string|undefined: The id of the Period for which you want to get information about its currently loaded audio Representation. If not defined, the information associated to the currently-playing Period will be returned.
  • return value Object|null|undefined

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