

Update URL of the content currently being played (e.g. of DASH’s MPD), optionally also allowing to request an immediate refresh of it.

This method can for example be called when you would prefer that the content and its associated resources to be reached through another URL than what has been used until now.

Note that if a request through one of the given URL lead to a HTTP redirect, the RxPlayer will generally prefer the redirected URL over the URL explicitely communicated (to prevent more HTTP redirect).

In DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options), this method has no effect.


// or
player.updateContentUrls(urls, params);
  • arguments:

    1. urls Array.<string>|under: URLs to reach that content / Manifest from the most prioritized URL to the least prioritized URL.

    2. params Object|undefined: Optional parameters linked to this URL change.

    Can contain the following properties:

    • refresh boolean: If true the resource in question (e.g. DASH’s MPD) will be refreshed immediately.


// Update with only one URL

// Update with multiple URLs

// Set no URL (only is useful in some very specific situations, like for content
// with no Manifest refresh or when a `manifestLoader` is set).

// Update and ask to refresh immediately
player.updateContentUrls(["http://my.new.url"], { refresh: true });
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