
This page regroups multiple frequent problems that have been encountered with the RxPlayer associated to the found solution.

If that solution does not work for you, do not hesitate to create an issue.

autoPlay doesn’t work

  • If the media plays automatically despite not setting the autoPlay loadVideo option or setting it to false, check that the media element does not already have an autoplay attribute.

    If it has, you should remove it so the autoPlay loadVideo option work as intended. We hesitated doing it ourselves but finally chose not to, to not break other applications putting it there for a reason

  • If the media does not play despite setting the autoPlay loadVideo option to true, it is probably due to the browser blocking it (and in that case, you should also have received a MEDIA_ERROR warning event, with the code MEDIA_ERR_BLOCKED_AUTOPLAY).

    In that scenario, the content will only be able to play after a user interaction is done on the page (e.g. user clicking on a “play” button).

    This is a behavior forced by multiple browsers to prevent annoying autoplaying video, generally those who have sound enabled (on that matter, muting the media element might also work).

Text tracks does not respect the format’s style

  • Check that you’re not in the default "native" textTrackMode (when either the textTrackMode loadVideo option is not set or is set to native, or when the textTrackElement loadVideo option is not set).

    If you’re in that case, style-enriched subtitles are only available in the "html" textTrackMode. Please set both textTrackMode to "html" and a textTrackElement to display text tracks into.

Issues when switching the audio track

  • If audio tracks take a LOT of time on some devices to change, it may be due to how often low-level audio buffers are updated (from higher-level browser audio buffers) on that device.

    To fix that solution, you might want to set the audioTrackSwitchingMode loadVideo option to "direct" or "reload", if you have issues with the former value.

  • If you lose sound after switching the audio track and you’re in the "direct" audioTrackSwitchingMode, this is a known issue on some browser versions. Please change the audioTrackSwitchingMode to any other value (the closest to "direct" being "reload".

Parts of a content are automatically skipped/seeked over

The RxPlayer has two complex inner mechanisms that may lead to subparts of a content being seemingly automatically skipped:

  • A buffer discontinuity detection mechanism that tend to prioritize uninterrupted content playback over content completeness

  • A browser’s garbage collection detection mechanism that also prioritize the same aspect

When some media data appears to be skipped, it generally means to the RxPlayer that either:

  • no media data was available at that position
  • media data was available, but the browser stalled trying to play it
  • media data was available at that position, but was immediately garbage collected by the browser, potentially multiple times in a row.

You can investigate in which scenario you are by looking at the RxPlayer’s logs.

If you see logs about “GC” (garbage collector) before those skip happen, you might be in the last scenario. If it appears to be insistent, you may want to check the remaining available memory on the device when it happens. If it looks very low, you might want to configure the RxPlayer so less media data is buffered in advance, through either:

Codec switching does not work

By default, codec switching is performed seamlessly but that does not work on all devices.

Please check the onCodecSwitch loadVideo option, and set it to "reload" - if that’s not already the case - to see if it fixes the issue.

The RxPlayer uses a lot of memory

By default the RxPlayer uses the most memory it can to provide the best experience.

It may not always what you might want however. To let you configure how much media data is kept at maximum behind and ahead of the current position, you can set respectively a “maximum buffer behind” or a “maximum buffer ahead” in seconds through either:

If you’re setting a “maximum buffer ahead”, please keep in mind that it should always be higher than the set “wanted buffer ahead” option wantedBufferAhead constructor option or setWantedBufferAhead method).

If you want even a more precize control over memory usage of media data, you can set the “maximum video buffer size” setting through either:

Playback issues related to DRMs

There is a lot of compatibility issues that may be linked to DRMs.

Here is some of them.

Issues with fallbacking with the Edge browser and PlayReady

We sometimes encountered a bug which makes the player loads indefinitely when fallbacking from an undecipherable quality, if done through the fallbackOnLastTry option. This was only constated on the Edge browser and appears to be a browser or CDM bug.

Sadly, no work-around has been found for now for this issue. We’re currently trying to create a reproducible scenario and document that issue so it can hopefully be fixed in the future. In the meantime, you’re encouraged either to use Widevine (only on Chromium-based Edge) or to not make use of the fallBackOnLastTry option on that browser.

The Player do not download any segment when playing encrypted contents

This is probably due to an issue we encountered several time on embedded devices.

Basically, this behavior is due to a deadlock, where the RxPlayer is waiting for the CDM logic to be initialized to download segments but the CDM logic wait for the opposite: it will only initialize itself once segments have been downloaded.

The RxPlayer is waiting for the CDM initialization for a very specific usage: playing a mix of unencrypted and encrypted data. We detected that on some Chrome versions we could not play encrypted data if we first played unencrypted data without the CDM logic in place.

Fortunately, this usage is for very specific cases and you most likely won’t need it (or even if you will, you most likely will not encounter that problem).

You can completely remove that deadlock with a property called disableMediaKeysAttachmentLock. Like other properties introduced here, you should put it in the keySystems object of loadVideo, like such:

  transport: "dash",
  keySystems: [
      type: "widevine",
      disableMediaKeysAttachmentLock: true,
      type: "playready",
      disableMediaKeysAttachmentLock: true,

After two or several loadVideo calls the RxPlayer refuses to play

There’s a chance that you’re encountering another issue we found on embedded devices.

By default, the RxPlayer maintains a cache containing the last loaded licenses. This allows to quickly switch to already-played contents, an important improvement when playing live contents for example. Rest assured, our cache size is not infinite, and as such it should work on most devices.

However, we found that on some devices, this logic can be problematic, and it will just refuse to add a license at a given point.

You can add a property which will flush that cache anytime the content changes, called closeSessionsOnStop.

Like other properties introduced here, you should put it in the keySystems object of loadVideo, like such:

  transport: "dash",
  keySystems: [
      type: "widevine",
      closeSessionsOnStop: true,
      type: "playready",
      closeSessionsOnStop: true,
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