Importing a minimal player with feature selection


The RxPlayer comes with many features, even some you might never need. For example, you may only care for DASH with TTML subtitles and not about Smooth streaming, VTT or SRT parsing.

Because each implementation has its need, we permit multiple ways to import the player with limited features.

This customization can be done by importing the minimal version of the RxPlayer and then adding only the features your want. This allows to greatly reduce the final bundle size, if your bundler (esbuild, webpack, rollup, vite…) support tree-shaking, like most do.

How it works

If you imported the RxPlayer library through the npm package (like via the npm install rx-player command), you can import a minimal version of the player by importing it from "rx-player/minimal":

import MinimalRxPlayer from "rx-player/minimal";

// This player has the same API than the RxPlayer, but with no feature
// (e.g. no DASH, Smooth or Directfile playback)
const player = new MinimalRxPlayer();

// use the regular APIs...

You then will need to add the features you want on it. Those can be accessed through the path "rx-player/features":

// import the DASH and Smooth features, which will be added to the RxPlayer
import { DASH, SMOOTH } from "rx-player/features";

At last you can add those features to the imported RxPlayer class by calling the special addFeatures static method, which is only present on the minimal version of the Player:

// addFeatures takes an array of features as argument
MinimalRxPlayer.addFeatures([DASH, SMOOTH]);

Here is the complete example:

import MinimalRxPlayer from "rx-player/minimal";
import { DASH, SMOOTH } from "rx-player/features";

MinimalRxPlayer.addFeatures([DASH, SMOOTH]);

There is also “experimental” features. Such features can completely change from one version to the next - unlike regular features which just follows semantic versioning. This means that you may have to keep the concerned code up-to-date each time you depend on a new RxPlayer version. Such features are imported from "rx-player/experimental/features" instead:

import MinimalRxPlayer from "rx-player/minimal";
import { DASH_WASM } from "rx-player/experimental/features";


You can of course depend on both experimental and regular features:

import MinimalRxPlayer from "rx-player/minimal";
import { DASH, SMOOTH } from "rx-player/features";
import { DASH_WASM } from "rx-player/experimental/features";

MinimalRxPlayer.addFeatures([DASH, SMOOTH, DASH_WASM]);

By using the minimal version, you will reduce the final bundle file if tree-shaking is performed on the final code (like in webpack’s production mode).

The key is just to know which feature does what. The next chapter will list and explain the role of every one of them.

List of features

Features, which are variables imported from the "rx-player/features" path, are all objects declared in upper-case.

Here is the anotated exhaustive list (notes are at the bottom of the table):

Feature Description of the feature
SMOOTH Enable Smooth streaming (HSS) playback
DASH Enable DASH playback using a JavaScript-based MPD parser
DIRECTFILE Enable playback of “directfile” contents
EME Enable playback of encrypted contents
NATIVE_TEXT_BUFFER [1] Allow to display text tracks through <tracks> elements
HTML_TEXT_BUFFER [1] Allow to display richer text tracks through HTML elements
NATIVE_SRT_PARSER [2] Parse SRT text tracks for the native text buffer
NATIVE_VTT_PARSER [2] Parse VTT text tracks for the native text buffer
NATIVE_TTML_PARSER [2] Parse TTML text tracks for the native text buffer
NATIVE_SAMI_PARSER [2] Parse SAMI text tracks for the native text buffer
HTML_SRT_PARSER [3] Parse SRT text tracks for the HTML text buffer
HTML_VTT_PARSER [3] Parse VTT text tracks for the HTML text buffer
HTML_TTML_PARSER [3] Parse TTML text tracks for the HTML text buffer
HTML_SAMI_PARSER [3] Parse SAMI text tracks for the HTML text buffer
DASH_WASM [4] [5] Enable DASH playback using a WebAssembly-based MPD parser
LOCAL_MANIFEST [4] Enable playback of “local” contents
METAPLAYLIST [4] Enable playback of “metaplaylist” contents
DEBUG_ELEMENT [4] Allows to use the createDebugElement RxPlayer method


[1]: You will need to also add at least one parser for this type of buffer for those features to be useful. (example: NATIVE_SRT_PARSER will parse srt subtitles for the NATIVE_TEXT_BUFFER)

[2]: Those features will only be used if NATIVE_TEXT_BUFFER is an added feature.

[3]: Those features will only be used if HTML_TEXT_BUFFER is an added feature.

[4]: Those type of contents are experimental. They should be imported from rx-player/experimental/features.

[5]: In cases where both the DASH and DASH_WASM features are added (which are both parsers for DASH contents), the RxPlayer will default using the WebAssembly parser (provided by DASH_WASM) and fallback on the JavaScript parser (provided by DASH) when it cannot do so.


To help you choose your features, are some examples that represents common usecases.

unencrypted DASH contents with native webVTT subtitles

import RxPlayer from "rx-player/minimal";
import {
} from "rx-player/features";


possibly-encrypted DASH contents with HMTL webVTT and TTML subtitles

import RxPlayer from "rx-player/minimal";
import {
} from "rx-player/features";

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