

Force the current audio track to be of a certain bitrate.

If an audio quality in the current track is found with the exact same bitrate, this quality will be set.

If no audio quality is found with the exact same bitrate, either:

  • the audio quality with the closest bitrate inferior to that value will be chosen.

  • if no audio quality has a bitrate lower than that value, the audio quality with the lowest bitrate will be chosen instead.

By calling this method with an argument set to -1, this setting will be disabled and the RxPlayer will chose the right quality according to its adaptive logic.

You can use getAvailableAudioBitrates to get the list of available bitrates for the current audio track.

Note that the value set is persistent between loadVideo calls. As such, this method can also be called when no content is playing (the same rules apply for future contents).

In DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options), this method has no effect.


  • arguments:

    1. bitrate Number: Optimal audio bitrate (the quality with the maximum bitrate inferior to this value will be chosen if it exists).
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