Player events


To communicate about events (like an error or the update of the current video bitrate) the player use the event listener pattern.

As documented in the API, you can call addEventListener to register a callback for a particular event, like:

player.addEventListener("videoBitrateChange", (newVideoBitrate) => {
  console.log("the video bitrate changed to:", newVideoBitrate)

You can unregister a callback through the removeEventListener API, documented here.


This chapter describes every event sent by the player. Each event generally comes with a payload, which will also be defined here.


payload type: string

Emit the current state of the player, every time it changes. Find the different possible states here.


payload type: Object

Emit informations about the current position at most every seconds (also emits every time various player events are received).

The object emitted as the following properties:

  • position (Number): The current position in the video, in seconds.

  • duration (Number): The duration of the content.

  • bufferGap (Number): The gap, in seconds, between the current position and the end of the current buffered range.

  • playbackRate (Number): The current playback rate the content is on.

  • liveGap (Number|undefined): Only for live contents. The gap between the current position and the “live edge”.

  • maximumBufferTime (Number|undefined): The maximum time until which the buffer can currently be filled. That is:

    • for non-live contents, the duration.

    • for live contents, the live edge minus a security margin we added to avoid buffering ahead of it.

  • wallClockTime (Number|undefined): Only for live contents. The current time converted to wall-clock time in seconds. That is the real live position (and not the position as announced by the video element).


payload type: Object|null

⚠️ This event is not sent in DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options).

Information about the current audio track, each time it changes (the last received segment got a new one).

The payload is an object describing the new track, with the following properties:

  • id (Number|string): The id used to identify the track.
  • language (string): The language the audio track is in.
  • audioDescription (Boolean): Whether the track is an audio description (for the visually impaired or not).


payload type: Object|null

⚠️ This event is not sent in DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options).

Information about the current text track, each time it changes (the last received segment got a new one).

The payload is an object describing the new track, with the following properties:

  • id (Number|string): The id used to identify the track.
  • language (string): The language the text track is in.
  • closedCaption (Boolean): Whether the track is specially adapted for the hard of hearing or not.


payload type: Object|null

⚠️ This event is not sent in DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options).

Information about the current video track, each time it changes (the last received segment got a new one).

The payload is an object describing the new track, with the following properties:

  • id (string): The id used to identify the track. Use it for setting the track via setVideoTrack.

  • representations (Array.<Object>): Representations of this video track, with attributes:

    • id (string): The id used to identify this Representation.

    • bitrate (Number): The bitrate of this Representation, in bits per seconds.

    • width (Number|undefined): The width of video, in pixels.

    • height (Number|undefined): The height of video, in pixels.

    • codec (string|undefined): The codec given in standard MIME type format.

    • frameRate (string|undefined): The video framerate.


payload type: Number

⚠️ This event is not sent in DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options).

The payload is the new audio bitrate, in bits per seconds. It is emitted every time it changes (based on the last received segment).


payload type: Number

⚠️ This event is not sent in DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options).

The payload is the new video bitrate, in bits per seconds. It is emitted every time it changes (based on the last received segment).


payload type: Object

⚠️ This event is not sent in DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options).

Triggered each time the current image playlist changes (has new images).

Has the following property in its payload: data (Array.<Object>): Every image data.

Each image has a structure as defined in the Images structure page.


⚠️ This event is deprecated, it will disappear in the next major release v4.0.0 (see Deprecated APIs).

payload type: Boolean

Triggered each time the video player goes/exits fullscreen mode.

The payload is true if the player entered fullscreen, false if it exited it.


payload type: Object

⚠️ This event is not sent in DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options).

Information about the last bitrate estimation performed, by type of buffer (audio, video etc.).

Note that this event is sent only if the corresponding buffer type has multiple representation for the given content (as bitrate estimations are only useful in that case).

The payload is an object with the following properties:

  • type (string): The buffer type

  • bitrate (Number): The last estimated bandwidth for this buffer type, in bits per seconds. This bitrate is smoothed by doing a (complex) mean on an extended period of time, so it often does not link directly to the current calculated bitrate.


payload type: Error

Triggered each time a non-fatal (for content playback) error happened.

The payload is the corresponding error. See the Player Error documentation for more informations.


payload type: Error

Triggered each time a fatal (for content playback) error happened.

The payload is the corresponding error. See the Player Error documentation for more informations.


⚠️ This event is deprecated, it will disappear in the next major release v4.0.0 (see Deprecated APIs).

payload type: Array<TextTrackElement>

⚠️ This event is not sent in DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options).

Triggered each times a new <track> element is removed or added to the video element.

The payload is the array of TextTrack elements. The RxPlayer will only set a single <track> when a text track is set.


payload type: Object

⚠️ This event is not sent in DirectFile mode (see loadVideo options).

Triggered when the current Period being seen changes.

The payload is the corresponding Period. See the Manifest documentation for more informations.