

The RxPlayer defines its own image playlist format, the bif format.

This format allows to transmit playlist of thumbnails for linear (live) and non-linear (VOD) contents. The usecase is mostly to allow an improved “seeking” experience.

It is understood and parsed by the player, which offers API to easily integrate those features in an application.

Format specification

This documentation is not yet finished. It will be very soon.

Using bif for DASH and smooth contents

This documentation is not yet finished. It will be very soon.


Images can be retreived through two APIs for now:

  • getImageTrackData, which returns directly an array of objects describing the images in the playlist.

  • the imageTrackUpdate event, which emits each time the image playlist is updated with the complete playlist as an array of objects in its data property.


In both of those cases you receive an array of Objects, each defining a single image.

An image object has the following property:

  • data (Uint8Array): the raw data for the image object. You can display the corresponding image on your page thanks to the browser window.URL.createObjectURL API.

  • ts (Number): the position (relatively to the player’s getPosition API) the image should be displayed at, in milliseconds.

  • duration (Number): the duration, in s, until a new image can be considered.

This array should be ordered by position.


Here is an example of setting the image corresponding to the current position, considering a player instance player and an image element with the id current-image:

const position = player.getPosition();
const imagePlaylist = player.getImageTrackData();

const currentImage = imagePlaylist.find(p => (p.ts / 1000) > position);

if (currentImage) {
  const blob = new Blob([currentImage], {type: "image/jpeg"});
  const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
  document.getElementById("current-image").src = url;